Phillip Cooksey

Philip COOKSEY, born about 1640 in England was transported y John Bateman of Calvert County in the Colony of Maryland in 1659. Philip married Elizabeth, the daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Lashley. The following are extracted from the records of Calvery Co., Maryland:
6 Feb 1673 - Philip Cooksey was one of the legatees of the will of John Wright of Calvery Co. (Harry Lantrip, in "Agee file.ged" posted on*)


Will of Elizabeth Lashley. "What I have received of Capt. Ninian Beall more than comes to my third of the estate of my late husband Robert Lashley, is to be returned to Capt. Beall, executor of my late husband...", for appropriate disposition per Robert's will. "My son Trueman to be saved harmless from his Engagement to Capt. Beall in my behalf." Daughters Mary Truman (executrix), Katherine Brightwell. Son-in-law Philip Cooksey to receive a servant for the servant’s ensuing years of work, for the use of “ daughter’s children.” Grandchildren Henry Cooksey, Richard Southerne. Test: Jno. Burras, Thomas Trottman, Thomas Trueman. (Prerog Court Wills 2:196, Calvert Co., MD, 1681.11.13, Proved 1682.05.15)

Came Robert Carville Procurator of Mary, Elizabeth, Katherine & Ann Cooksey children of Phillip Cooksey of Calvert Co. and exha. their libel against Richard Brightwell & Richard Southern, administrators of the estate of Mary Truman. Prays an answer to the libel. (Test Proc 13:492, 1687.07.18)

The Sheriff made return he has summoned Richard Brightwell & Richard Southern to answer Cooksey's libel. (Test Proc 13:519, Maryland, 1687.09.13)

Appeared Richard Brightwell & Richard Southern of Calvert Co. & executed their answers to the libel of Phillip Cookseyes children. (Test Proc 14:4, Calvert Co., MD, 1687.09.17)

Mary, Elizabeth, Anne, Katherine Cooksey      
  the children of Philip Cooksey    agt      continued to January next
Richard Southerne & Richard Brightwell    
  administrators Mary Truman deceased     (Test Proc 14:117, 1688.11.05)

Mary, Elizabeth, Anne, Katherine Cooksey     dismissed, costs to be paid by claimant
  the children of Philip Cooksey    agt    Estate to pass to next of blood kin (not
Richard Southerne & Richard Brightwell   named).
  administrators Mary Truman deceased   (Test Proc 14:146, Maryland, 1689.04.16)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.